Same-Day Flower Delivery Singapore | Shop 520 我爱你 flowers & gifts delivery!

Same-Day Flower Delivery Singapore | Shop 520 我爱你 flowers & gifts delivery!

Brink of Health (Fruit Hampers)

Brink of Health (Fruit Hampers)
FH2217 Brink of Health 1a
FH2217 Brink of Health 1b
FH2217 Brink of Health 1c
FH2217 Brink of Health 1d
FH2217 Brink of Health 3a
FH2217 Brink of Health 4a
  • Description

Looking for a gift of wellness? Give your loved ones a fruit & healthy snack basket with a single stalk sunflower. Fruits contain antioxidants and vitamins which are good for you, while the sunflower will brighten up anyone's day so let your recipient know you care for them and their well-being!

Items Included:
Munchy's Oat Krunch Crackers 208g x 1,
Meiji Plain Crackers plain (4 x 26g) x 1,
Mc Vitie's Digestive biscuit Original 400g x 1,
Grape x 1,
Green apple x 1,
Red apple x 2,
White pear x 1,
Kiwi x 1,
Orange x 2.

Flowers used: 
1 stalk sunflower, limonium misty blue, green button poms, eucalyptus cinerea.

Approx. 35cm (L) x 30cm (H)

*As some contents are subject to availability, they may be replaced with similar items of equal or greater value.

*Some blooms will vary in size and colour according to seasons. The final product may not resemble the image 100%.

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Brink of Health (Fruit Hampers)

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